12:01 AM

Death of a Dream

Don't jump the gun seeing the title. No, not yet. Nothing of that sorts happened to me. It's just the title for the next crap which I jotted down while traveling via metro. It seems like the metro railway and my poems have a connection deep down, since most of my creations have been while traveling via the metro. This particular poem is dedicated to Jim Morrison, a.k.a The Lizard King.

The Death of a Dream
Hey ya, is anybody out there dreaming?
Frittering,wasting time in day dreaming?
Don't just sit there, get up and get going,
All we gotta do is surviving.
Wake up,wake up to the hard fact,
To the things you have got to tact,
Gone are the age of dreamers
welcome to the era of schemers.
This is the new age,new dawn,
when you're just someone else's pawn.
Live and let die is the order of the day,
while a psychopath society makes hay.
Oh mighty Lizard King, show us the way,
To a land where we all shall have our say.

I gotta be more regular with my blogs. I know it's a futile promise which will be forgotten in due course of time.Gosh, I gotta get rid of this habit of procrastination. Hope to see you all pretty soon.Till then, Adieu!!